Kepler Analytics has acquired Countwise to create a new global leader in retail foot traffic and sales growth solutions.
Visit the Kepler Analytics website to learn more or read this latest press release


Open Areas, Recreational Areas, Parks


How does visitor counting benefit your local area

Managing the complex patterns of footfall traffic and sheer number of visitors in public areas is challenging enough in its own right. Monitoring incremental change helps the understanding of how the town is performing against these current challenges, in particular it permits the ability to respond to these changes before the impact is detrimental to the life blood of the town.

The data we provide helps investors to better understand which areas of their investment yields the greatest return, in regard to increased footfall, whether they are looking at the daytime or night-time economy

This is why our people counting and dwell time solutions have become a must have.

People counting provides clear understanding of:

  • What areas of the high street are recovering and what areas need assistance?
  • Clear understanding of occupancies and how the visitors move around the areas
  • Effectiveness of marketing activities
  • Understanding of incremental change, long before the impact is detrimental to the business
  • Provision of data that will aid and inform areas that require investment or grants
  • Compare historic trading pattens where once there was none & in line with like; demographic towns
  • Know how the high street changes and what are the impacts of openings & closures of the big box retailers

Monitoring footfall & cycle traffic in open spaces

In recent years the public use of open spaces, parks, & cycle tracks has grown by almost 73%; whist this has been a great comfort and improvement of mental wellbeing for us humans; it has had some detrimental impact on these spaces; leading to increases in repair & maintenance works & costs.

Knowing how much these spaces are being used enables corrective actions and repairs to be made in line with need. In addition, the data enables the valuing of any investments and made aid in the application of any grants or outside financing.

In addition, our outdoor battery powered counters can be used for other areas such as public toilets, bird-hides or carparks.

  • Know what areas of your open spaces are being used
  • Understand the need for general upkeep and at what stage
  • Remotely collect and view your footfall traffic data
  • Save time, energies & monies whilst viewing all location online
  • Provide hard evidence for the grant committees

High Street Business Improvement Districts

Measure the footfall volume for the complete BID geographic areas. Identify trends in dwell time, footfall peak occupancy times of day, and compare against your own historic trends and comparable towns. Get a better understanding of the impact of Cultural events & seasonality on visitor footfall and dwell times. With no requirement for a hardware infrastructure, you are able to measure without the need to seek planning permissions or contravening GDPR.

  • What areas of the high street are recovering and what areas need assistance?
  • Compare historic trading pattens where once there were none
  • How quickly is my high street recovering?
  • Understand how my high-street is doing when comparing it to comparable demographic locations
  • Know how the high street changes and what are the impacts of openings & closures of the big box retailers

How does business intelligence & real-time analytics help your business

Its all very good thinking your doing the right thing, making all the correct judgments; and even taking a few calculated risks. But if you don’t have hard evidence to back it up, these decisions can be catastrophic to the business. The business intelligence tools that we provide allows both a look at the here and now but also the history of every location, floor or zone. Giving you unprecedented access to data, information and decision making tools that enable better predictable outcomes. Our analytics inform the areas of the business to make decisions, and changes to practices and understand the impacts of these changes.

Business Intelligence delivers many things to many people within the organization:

  • From local management decisions on how to deploy staff more effectively
  • Reginal marking measurement, of what works and what does not
  • The impact of new design from concept to implementation
  • Data that informs, challenges traditional thought process and even quantifies some
  • Helps with rapid change management, allowing quicker adaptability to incremental changes

Business Intelligence at your Fingertips

Our go anywhere reporting solutions support businesses to make data driven decisions supported by accurate in-depth information, insights & metrics.

Demonstration to roll-out Road Map

Requesting a demonstration will give a greater understanding our capabilities on how we can help increase your profitability and decrease your costs.


What can we help you with?

+44 (0) 1525 280105

© 2005-2024
All rights reserved

Contact Us
The Beckerings Park Estate
MK43 0RD

What We Do !

We provide real-time access and alerting to footfall traffic, store and area occupancies in addition to real-time monitoring of queuing and staff interaction.
Our reach extends from a single retail store to global portfolios, from a single high street to a global retail index.

What We Do !

We provide real-time access and alerting to footfall traffic, store and area occupancies in addition to real-time monitoring of queuing and staff interaction.
Our reach extends from a single retail store to global portfolios, from a single high street to a global retail index.

+44 (0) 1525 280105

The Beckerings Park Estate
MK43 0RD

© 2005-2024
All rights reserved